Applicative Archery
July 6, 2015
It is widely agreed that the laws of the Applicative
class are not pretty to look at.
pure id <*> v = v -- identity
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x) -- homomorphism
<*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u -- interchange
u pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w) -- composition
Monad laws, in comparison, not only look less odd to begin with but can also be stated in a much more elegant way in terms of Kleisli composition (<=<)
. Shouldn’t there be an analogous nice presentation for Applicative
as well? That became a static question in my mind while I was studying applicative functors many moons ago. After finding surprisingly little commentary on this issue, I decided to try figuring it out by myself. 1
Let’s cast our eye over Applicative
class Functor t => Applicative t where
pure :: a -> t a
(<*>) :: t (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
If our inspiration for reformulating Applicative
is Kleisli composition, the only sensible plan is to look for a category in which the t (a -> b)
functions-in-a-context from the type of (<*>)
are the arrows, just like a -> t b
functions are arrows in a Kleisli category. Here is one way to state that plan in Haskell terms:
class Applicative t => Starry t where
idA :: t (a -> a)
(.*) :: t (b -> c) -> t (a -> b) -> t (a -> c)
infixl 4 .*
-- The Applicative constraint is wishful thinking:
-- When you wish upon a star...
The laws of Starry
are the category laws for the t (a -> b)
.* v = v -- left identity
idA .* idA = u -- right identity
u .* v .* w = u .* (v .* w) -- associativity u
The question, then, is whether it is possible to reconstruct Applicative
and its laws from Starry
. The answer is a resounding yes! The proof is in this manuscript, which I have not transcribed here as it is a little too long for a leisurely post like this one 2. The argument is set in motion by establishing that pure
is an arrow mapping of a functor from Hask to a Starry
category, and that both (<*>)
and (.*)
are arrow mappings of functors in the opposite direction. That leads to several naturality properties of those functors, from which the Applicative
laws can be obtained. Along the way, we also get definitions for the Starry
methods in terms of the Applicative
= pure id
idA .* v = fmap (.) u <*> v u
… and vice-versa:
pure x = fmap (const x) idA
<*> v = fmap ($ ()) (u .* fmap const v) u
Also interesting is how the property relating fmap
and (<*>)
fmap f u = pure f <*> u
… now tells us that a Functor
results from composing the pure
functor with the (<*>)
functor. That becomes more transparent if we write it point-free:
fmap = (<*>) . pure
In order to ensure Starry
is equivalent to Applicative
we still need to prove the converse, that is, obtain the Starry
laws from the Applicative
laws plus the definitions of idA
and (.*)
just above. That is not difficult; all it takes is substituting the definitions in the Starry
laws and:
For left identity, noticing that
(id .) = id
.For right identity, applying the interchange law and noticing that
($ id) . (.)
in a better disguise.For associativity, using the laws to move all
to the left of the(<*>)
and then verifying that the resulting messes of dots in both sides are equivalent.
As a tiny example, here is the Starry
instance of Maybe
instance Starry Maybe where
= Just id
idA Just g .* Just f = Just (g . f)
.* _ = Nothing _
… and the verification of the laws for it:
-- Left identity:
.* u = u
idA Just id .* u = u
-- u = Nothing
Just id .* Nothing = Nothing
Nothing = Nothing
-- u = Just f
Just id .* Just f = Just f
Just (id . f) = Just f
Just f = Just f
-- Right identity:
.* idA = u
u .* Just id = u
u -- u = Nothing
Nothing .* Just id = Nothing
Nothing = Nothing
-- u = Just g
Just g .* Just id = Just g
Just (g .* id) = Just g
Just g = Just g
-- Associativity:
.* v .* w = u .* (v .* w)
u -- If any of u, v and w are Nothing, both sides will be Nothing.
Just h .* Just g .* Just f = Just h .* (Just g .* Just f)
Just (h . g) .* Just f = Just h .* (Just (g . f))
Just (h . g . f) = Just (h . (g . f))
Just (h . g . f) = Just (h . g . f)
It works just as intended:
GHCi> Just (2*) .* Just (subtract 3) .* Just (*4) <*> Just 5
Just 34
GHCi> Just (2*) .* Nothing .* Just (*4) <*> Just 5
I do not think there will be many opportunities to use the Starry
methods in practice. We are comfortable enough with applicative style, through which we see most t (a -> b)
arrows as intermediates generated on demand, rather than truly meaningful values. Furthermore, the Starry
laws are not really easier to prove (though they are certainly easier to remember!). Still, it was an interesting exercise to do, and it eases my mind to know that there is a neat presentation of the Applicative
laws that I can relate to.
This post is Literate Haskell, in case you wish to play with Starry
in GHCi (here is the raw .lhs file ).
instance Starry Maybe where
instance Starry [] where
instance Starry ((->) a) where
instance Starry IO where
As for proper implementations in libraries, the closest I found was Data.Semigroupoid.Static
, which lives in Edward Kmett’s semigroupoids
package. “Static arrows” is the actual technical term for the t (a -> b)
arrows. The module provides…
newtype Static f a b = Static { runStatic :: f (a -> b) }
… which uses the definitions shown here for idA
and (.*)
as id
and (.)
of its Category
There is a reasonably well-known alternative formulation of
: theMonoidal
class as featured in this post by Edward Z. Yang. It is quite handy to work with when it comes to checking whether an instance follows the laws.↩︎Please excuse some oddities in the manuscript, such as off-kilter terminology and weird conventions (e.g. consistently naming arguments in applicative style as
w <*> v <*> u
rather thanu <*> v <*> w
in applicative style). The most baffling choice was usingid
rather than()
as the throwaway argument toconst
. I guess I did that because($ ())
looks bad in handwriting.↩︎
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